Conscious Consumption
Welcome to Isabella Rosley's take on how to be a conscious consumer in an age of instant gratification. Learn about greenwashing, textiles, fast fashion, garment working conditions, and more. Listen to Isabella interview travelers from all over the world and discuss their perspectives on consumption.
Conscious Consumption
Simplest Ways to Be a More Conscious Consumer
Welcome to Episode 4 of "Conscious Consumption"! In this episode, I discuss the easiest ways for individuals to make more ethical and sustainable fashion purchases. Join me as I emphasize the significance of educating ourselves about labor standards and sustainability in textile production. I also explore strategies for extending the lifespan of our clothes and provide guidance on how to identify truly sustainable brands. Above all, I reiterate the importance of personal accountability as consumers and highlight the power we hold to make a difference through collective action.
Join the movement towards conscious consumption and embrace the power you hold as an individual.